CTAG consolidates its participation in the HORIZON 2020 programme

CTAG continues its commitment to consolidate its participation in the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (HORIZON 2020), continuing a journey that started in 2007. Since then, CTAG has participated in more than 40 projects, developed in collaboration with the main organisations of the automotive sector (vehicle manufacturers and first level suppliers), as well as with universities and other research organisations of reference in Europe.


These projects are at the technological forefront of the industry and, through the development and implementation of innovative solutions, contribute to a safer, smarter and more integrated mobility. Some examples of the latest projects supported by the EU and in which CTAG participates are the following:

  • GamECAR – Gamification of EcoDriving Behaviours through Intelligent Management of dynamic car and driver information
  • ECOFUNEL – Eco Design: Composite functionalization: thermal and electrical conductivity
  • 5GCAR – Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation
  • RECOTRANS – Integrated manufacturing of REciclable hybrid metalthermoplastic COmposites for the TRANSport sector.


Meeting at CTAG on 5GCAR: Fifth Generation Communication Automotive Research and innovation project

Ensayo en pista del proyecto 5GCAR
Ensayo en pista del proyecto 5GCAR


CTAG hosts a working meeting on this European Project focused on the use of 5G technology to achieve safer autonomous driving.

During the meeting, on March 21, 22 and 23, the first tests of 5GCAR are being carried out. This Horizon 2020 project, which is within the framework of the 5GPPP programme, started in June of 2017 lasting for 24 months. It has a global budget of 8 million euros.

The main objectives of the project are the following:

  • Developing a 5G global architecture that allows high robustness and low latency connectivity services for V2X safety applications.
  • Providing high precision 5G positioning solutions for vulnerable users and vehicles.
  • Demonstrating and validating the concepts developed, quantifying the benefits that 5G V2X technology can provide in both conventional and autonomous driving scenarios.

CTAG’s participation is focused on the implementation and integration in vehicles of coordination systems for lane joining manoeuvres, cooperative perception and protection of vulnerable users, highlighting their development in the areas of machine vision, data fusion algorithms and connectivity.

The 5G CAR Consortium, led by ERICSSON and made up of 14 companies and knowledge centres, both in the telecommunications sector and the automotive sector, includes the following organisations: ERICSSON, HUAWEI, NOKIA, ORANGE, PSA GROUP, VOLVO CARS, BOSCH, MARBEN, VISCODA, SEQUANS, Chalmers University of Technology, King’s College London, Centre Tecnològic de Telecomunicacions de Catalunya and CTAG.

More information in https://5gcar.eu/