CTAG shows its latest advances in C-V2X technologies together with the key players in the sector

C-V2X PlugtestsThe demonstration took place during the C-V2X Plugtests™, an event organized by the 5G Automotive Association (5GAA) and the European Telecommunications Standard Institute (ETSI) in Germany.

This event, held from March 28th to April 1st, brought together organisations, institutions and key companies in the C-V2X ecosystem for the certification and development of these technologies in the automotive industry.

The C-V2X Plugtests™ also included a workshop to discuss the future of C-V2X systems in the automotive sector, as an introduction to the demonstrations carried out by CTAG, Vodafone, Commsignia and Allbesmart.

CTAG’s demonstration highlighted its latest advances in the field of interoperability with 5G technology, a crucial technology for the development of intelligent transport systems. For the development of the scenarios, CTAG installed its communications unit (HMCU) both in the infrastructure (RSU) and in the vehicle (OBU). The use cases shown included Traffic Jams Warning, Road Works Warning, Hazard On The Road Warning, Time To Green and In-Vehicle Signage.

The objective of these tests has been to assess the level of interoperability and validate the understanding of the standards, concluding with a high success rate shown by a very positive level of interoperability between the many providers.

More information about C-V2X Plugtests™ at  https://5gaa.org/news/5gaa-partnered-with-etsi-and-dekra-to-showcase-c-v2x-interoperability-and-discuss-deployment-during-the-plugtests-at-the-dekra-automobil-test-center-in-klettwitz-germany/

CTAG performs autonomous driving tests on the International Bridge that connects Spain with Portugal

Autonomous driving tests have begun on the A55 International Bridge that connects Spain with Portugal, which also belongs to the SISCOGA4CCAM corridor. This Spain-Portugal cross-border corridor connects the cities of Vigo and Porto and covers the entire value chain, including car manufacturers, telecommunications companies, public administrations and research institutions.

The tests will be carried out within the framework of the 5GMOBIX project during the months of March, April and May. The main objective of 5G-MOBIX is to lay the foundation for the deployment of 5G CCAM services and applications and to give a big boost in both countries towards the development of opportunities around 5G in the ITS sector. Furthermore, this cross-border corridor will explore the challenges of seamless interoperability between different countries and between different types of operators (public and private). The aim of this project is to develop a global 5G architecture that offers highly robust and low latency connectivity services for safety applications, provide high precision 5G positioning solutions, demonstrate and validate the concepts developed, and quantify the benefits of this technology in terms of driving.

These tests are carried out with the support of the competent traffic management authorities, such as the Dirección General de Tráfico (DGT), Infraestructuras de Portugal, S.A., the Instituto da Mobilidade e dos Transportes, and the Ministerio de Transportes, Movilidad y Agenda Urbana, who authorize and facilitate the management of road closures necessary for the execution of tests with 5G technology in the safest possible way.

The tests being performed include various autonomous driving use cases in urban and interurban environments. Among these use cases the Overtaking, Lane Merge and HD Maps manoeuvres stand out, carried out with autonomous and connected vehicles capable of integrating 5G technology to increase the response capacity in manoeuvres.

For more information and a complete list of the partners that make up the consortium within the 5GMOBIX initiative, please visit the website: https://5g-mobix.com/consortium.

CTAG y Vodafone impulsarán el vehículo autónomo y conectado

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Vodafone ha instalado la primera red móvil privada (MPN) con funcionalidad 5G Stand Alone en CTAG, para realizar pruebas para el desarrollo y validación de sus proyectos de vehículo autónomo y conectado. Dicha red privada aporta equipos dedicados en exclusiva para CTAG, permitiéndole así controlar y optimizar su demanda en recursos de red y aplicar políticas de seguridad propias, además de aprovechar las ventajas que ofrece el 5G SA.

Se trata de un laboratorio de pruebas con conectividad 5G SA, que aporta velocidades más altas, menos latencia y más ancho de banda para realizar pruebas de concepto, de desarrollo y validación en el ámbito de la movilidad autónoma, cooperativa y conectada (CCAM – Cooperative Connected Autonomous Mobility).

Esta nueva infraestructura amplía y complementa las capacidades de validación de CTAG en el ámbito de la movilidad autónoma y conectada, que incluye tanto entornos virtuales y de simulación, como pistas de prueba especializadas y dotadas de las tecnologías más avanzadas de comunicación, así como el corredor ITS SISCOGA 4CCAM , que con más de 200 km de carreteras urbanas e interurbanas preparadas para ensayar el vehículo autónomo y conectado, supone un referente internacional en el campo de la movilidad autónoma y conectada (CCAM).

Para más información, puede consultar la siguiente nota de prensa.

CTAG colabora en la puesta en marcha del primer túnel de España conectado con los vehículos

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Ensayo en tunel CereixalSe trata de un proyecto liderado por Telefónica, en colaboración con Nokia, CTAG, Ineco, Stellantis y SICE, en el que se ha sensorizado y dotado de cobertura 5G al túnel de Cereixal en la A-6 (Lugo), lo que supone un avance hacia la carretera inteligente que se comunica con los vehículos conectados y ofrece asistencia a la conducción.

Esta iniciativa utiliza las comunicaciones vehiculares C-V2X (cellular vehicle-to-everything) y sensorización IoT (Internet of Things), además de cobertura 5G y el edge computing para dotar de inteligencia a la carretera y permitir a los vehículos “hablar” con ella.

El túnel inteligente envía información a los conductores de las condiciones meteorológicas a la salida, obras, avisos de vehículo lento, posible congestión, accidente, obstáculo en carretera, presencia de peatón, vehículo en sentido contrario o frenada brusca durante su trayecto por el mismo, además del aviso de entrada de un vehículo de emergencias. La conducción asistida permite mejorar la información de la que dispone el conductor para tomar sus decisiones y, por tanto, incrementar la seguridad en la conducción.

CTAG, como centro tecnológico especializado y líder en movilidad conectada, ha integrado en los vehículos prototipo sus desarrollos en sistemas cooperativos, que incluyen tanto la unidad de comunicaciones 5G embarcada, como los distintos servicios cooperativos C-V2X que se muestran y que han sido desarrollados también por CTAG. También ha desplegado un servidor ITS en el MEC de Telefónica para permitir la comunicación entre la infraestructura y los vehículos. Adicionalmente, ha ejecutado las pruebas de validación y puesta a punto junto al resto de socios.

La presentación del proyecto se llevó a cabo con una demostración in-situ de los desarrollos, precedida por una rueda de prensa en la Casa de la Cultura de Becerreá (Lugo), en la que han participado las entidades colaboradoras.

En palabras de Francisco Sánchez, director de la División de Electrónica e ITS de CTAG, “Este proyecto permite evaluar y demostrar el potencial de la tecnología 5G en sus primeros pasos hacia la futura movilidad conectada y automatizada. En este sentido, las características específicas de la tecnología 5G permitirán incrementar significativamente los niveles de automatización de los vehículos en autopistas y autovías, y extender su uso a escenarios complejos como es el caso de los entornos urbanos o rurales”.

Esta iniciativa se desarrolla en el marco de Piloto 5G Galicia, impulsado por el Ministerio de Asuntos Económicos y Transformación Digital a través de Red.es para el desarrollo de esta tecnología en España, mediante una convocatoria pública de ayudas que cuenta con la cofinanciación del Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER).

Más información sobre el proyecto en la nota de prensa.

CTAG collaborates in the first 5G cross-border data connection in mobility in the world


This is a demonstration of the potential of 5G carried out by Vodafone España and Vodafone Portugal together with Ericsson, in which, apart from CTAG, Groupe PSA and the Xunta de Galicia also participated as prominent partners of Vodafone and Ericsson in the joint development of future applications for Autonomous and Connected Vehicle, whose tests use the Porto-Vigo European corridor.

The event was led by professional e-sports players Ricardo “Fox” Pacheco and Toni “Tojor” Jordá, who completed the journey between Tui (Spain) and Valença de Minho (Portugal) in separate cars while playing PUBG Mobile in their tablets. During this journey, the e-sports players enjoyed the advantages of 5G, with a stable and interruption-free connection at the border crossing.

The demonstration has been done on Vodafone’s pre-commercial network using Ericsson’s network core infrastructure and radio systems, as well as eight 5G antennas. The antennas were installed in existing base stations in Portugal and Spain. In addition, Massive MIMO and other technologies in development have been used for this demonstration. These are two of the innovations that will allow the development of the new generation of mobile communications, providing greater capabilities and efficiency.

In this project, CTAG’s participation has focused on the vehicle’s data processing and cooperative safety services, in addition to working on the integration of the 5G receiver and the screens used.


CTAG celebrates Spanish-Portuguese General Assembly of the 5G Mobix project

Fotografía de los participantes en 5GMOBIX

Within the framework of the 5GMOBIX European Project, the General Assembly takes place today at CTAG between the Spanish and Portuguese partners, which is one of the main pilots of the 5GMOBIX project. The objective is to prepare the different milestones of the project, and to define the joint strategy for the deployment of 5G technology which will take place in the coming months.

The purpose of the 5GMOBIX project is to specify, deploy and evaluate 5G services that will support Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), defining in this way different use cases of Connected and Autonomous Driving that will use 5G technology as the communication base channel to improve the safety and comfort of the services deployed in the vehicles.

The corridor between Vigo and Oporto is the most important cross-border corridor where the tests defined within the scope of the project will be carried out. With the collaboration of the different partners it will be possible to carry out all the necessary deployment in the different parts that are covered: infrastructure, communications, telephony, vehicles, users, etc.

Thus, this corridor includes partners that cover the complete value chain, including public institutions, research centres, telecom companies and car manufacturers.

DGT, IMT, Telefónica, NOS, Nokia Bell Labs, Nokia Portugal, Vigo City Council, CTAG, Dekra, ALSA, AEVAC, University of Murcia, CCG, Infraestruturas de Portugal, Norte Litoral, Siemens, IT, TIS and A-To-B, form this Spanish-Portuguese consortium with the aim of strengthening the development of 5G technology and Autonomous Driving, which will become  reality in the coming years.

The first tests of the 5GMOBIX project will begin at the end of 2019, starting with tests in the laboratory and test tracks, arriving on the road throughout 2020. The tests will be extended until 2021 when the project will end.

For more information about the initiative please visit https://www.5g-mobix.com/ ; https://www.5g-mobix.com/x-border-trials/spain-portugal



CTAG participates in the conference on Opportunities and challenges of 5G networks


The objective of this conference was to generate a forum for debate around the framework in which the 5G networks will be developed, the impact these networks will have on the Galician society, the challenges for its implementation and the potential of the Galician ICT hypersector to position itself in this emerging technology context.

Francisco Sánchez Pons, Director of Electronics and ITS at CTAG, made an exposition of the 5G specific initiatives of use that are developed in CTAG.

The conference took place at the convention hall of the CINC building of the Cidade da Cultura, in Santiago de Compostela and was organized by Amtega, (association of telecommunications engineers of Galicia).


CTAG presents its latest advances in autonomous driving and connectivity in Malaga

5G Forum, coche autónomo de CTAG
Coche autónomo y perosnal de CTAG junto a otros participantes en el 5G Forum

CTAG participated in the 5G FORUM, a multidisciplinary meeting on 5G technology. Diego Bernárdez, Head of the Connectivity Department at CTAG, presented a paper on Cooperative systems and V2X communications. Protocols in DSRC (ITS-G5) and 5G. One of CTAG’s connected vehicles was also shown to present attendees its operation and performance.

The event, held on April 24 and 25 at the Polo de Contenidos Digitales in Malaga, offered a broad view on the different applications of this technology, from artificial intelligence to health and telemedicine. This is the first edition of the event whose objective is to show on stage every year the advances of 5G technology and offer the opportunity to exchange knowledge about its practical applications.

Outstanding companies involved in the use of 5G technologies shared their experiences and performed demonstrations for the attending professionals.

For more information about the event please visit http://www.5gforum.es/