Se trata de un proyecto europeo en el que CTAG participa como coordinador técnico y responsable del Hub Español. El objetivo de <Impact> Connected Car es apoyar a PYMEs innovadoras centradas en productos y servicios para el Coche Conectado.
En este marco, desde el martes 11 hasta el jueves 13 de Junio de 2019, las instalaciones de CTAG acogen el 2nd Technical Bootcamp del proyecto Europeo <IMPACT> Connected Car, en el que las 18 startups seleccionadas, que han conseguido llegar a la fase 3 de desarrollo de producto, mostrarán sus avances en las áreas de Seguridad, Gestión de Vehículo, Gestión de Movilidad, Infotainment, Asistencia al Conductor y Bienestar.
Estas startups europeas son:
- 25ways (Germany): A provider-independent mobility platform that encourages behavioral changes towards sustainable mobility options.
- 2hire (Italy): 2hire’s technology acts as a gateway enabling the interaction and both standard parameters and non-standard parameters reading.
- Anadue (Ireland): An analytics platform to help Connected Car Service Providers to maximize the value of their real-time data.
- BeNomad (France): A navigation software tailored to helping companies manage their mobile resources as effectively as possible.
- Better World (France): Better World collects feedback from customers, analyzes the data and shares it with car-making businesses.
- Capricode (Finland): Cyber security of connected vehicles in form of automated updates and configurations.
- Discoperi (Spain): Discoperi develops System Eye, able to prevent roads accidents and monetize automotive data, thanks to its built Discoperi Blockchain Protocol.
- Drivvisor (Spain): An app-based driving monitoring system that uses the front camera of a smartphone to perform driver distraction and fatigue detection while driving.
- Go To-U (Ukraine): An app for drivers to book the charging EV station at the most convenient time.
- Journify (Spain): A carpooling app for daily commutes, such as going to work or to school.
- Mappo (Israel): A geo-culture content layer created by an algorithm.The geo-culture content combined of texts, music, TV and AR.
- Micocar (Spain): An app to save 10% to 50% on all taxi rides. An efficient marketplace where ride prices are calculated according to supply and demand.
- Newport IMS (France): A vocal companion providing in-car mobility services and products.
- Ozone Drive (Spain): A tech-based EV car-sharing solutions to address the zero-emissions mobility challenges as an optimized way of transportation.
- Parquery (Switzerland): Parquery analyzes images from any camera to detect objects and provide parking managers with real-time answers.
- Safemode (Israel): SafeMode profiles driver behaviour using Big Data & AI algorithms based on behavioral economics techniques.
- Secmotic Innovation (Spain): An awareness and safety system for work zone invasion that increases safety and controls accessibility in temporary working areas of roads.
- X-Motion (France): An app that leverages artificial intelligence and smartphone sensors to provide predictive analytics for driving behaviour and vehicle management.
En los siguientes enlaces podrá descargar el programa y la nota de prensa del evento.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 731343