The largest international symposium on wearable robotics will be held in Vigo in 2020 with the collaboration of CTAG

In recent years, wearable robotics has emerged as a new topic of interest, closely related to physical assistance, exoskeletons, and soft robotics.

CTAG has been really involved in this field since its inception, developing projects related to the industry and the manufacturing processes for health prevention and ergonomics. The Centre has experience in projects for the automotive and naval sectors and participates in European initiatives such as EUROBENCH or COVR. Therefore, CTAG collaborates in the organization of the 5th International Symposium on Wearable Robotics, WeRob 2020, which will be held in Vigo, Spain, from October 13 to 16, 2020. The Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC, Spanish National Research Council) and the Shirley Ryan Abilitylab also participate in the organization of the event.

WeRob will be held in parallel with the ICNR (International Conference on Neurorehabilitation), which will bring together researchers, experts, manufacturers and end users to present the latest scientific and technological advances related to robotics and neuroscience, as well as their application in the medical and industrial fields.

In addition to scientific presentations by international experts, WeRob and ICNR will be accompanied by industrial demonstrations and an exhibition area, among other activities.

For more information about each congress please visit:



You may also download the event flyer


CTAG participates in international forums on exoskeletons

CTAG attends Humanoids 2019, the International Conference which is held in Toronto, Canada, on 14, 15 and 16 October. This event brings together experts in the field of robotics to analyse and explain the scope of the latest research on humanoid robotics. The conference will feature the participation of Jawad Masood, who works at CTAG’s Factory of the Future department and who will contribute CTAG’s experience in the development and implementation of exoskeleton validation methodologies as support systems for industrial production line workers.

In addition, CTAG will go once again to EXO Berlin, one of the most relevant events at the international level for experts in exoskeletons, wearable devices, biomechanics and collaborative robotics. This conference is aimed at engineers, researchers and other professionals in the industrial and academic sector, who will meet in Berlin on October 22 and 23 to present and discuss the latest innovations and technologies aimed at enhancing human performance.

For more information about these events please visit and


Proxecto cofinanciado por Igape, Xunta de Galicia e Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo Feder Galicia 2014-2020