Product validation

Physical prototypes allow us to validate aesthetics and functions, and to calibrate the acceptance of new products by end users.

At CTAG we have various means to obtain prototypes in an agile way and integrate them into representative environments:

  • Injection laboratory: our Engel 350Tn machine without columns makes it possible to inject parts using definitive material, in order to carry out validation tests representative of the final product. It allows us to obtain pre-series of hundreds of parts.
  • Additive manufacturing means: CTAG is equipped with 3D printers, including bi-material and CNC options as well as Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) on polyamide. This allows designs to be validated extremely quickly and integrated into environments to check interferences and functions.
  • Silicone moulds: This technique makes it possible to obtain short pre-series (20-50 pieces) with similar performance to the final product, quickly and without investing in costly steel moulds.
  • Screen printing and electroplating laboratory: these means allow the semi-industrial deposition of coatings for the development of innovative solutions.
  • Mockups and cabin integration: CTAG can integrate prototypes or pre-series in real vehicles or make representative mockups of the environment to validate their functions both with trials and tests with real users.

Manufacture of plastic prototypes for different functions:

  • Concept prototypes: validation of style, fit and form
  • Functional prototypes
  • Pre-series: short series (20 - 50 pieces) in plastic similar to series production

For this purpose, the following technologies are available:

  • Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) in filled and unfilled polyamide
  • Silicone Moulds