The presentation of the Grupo Antolin-CTAG Research Joint Unit e-SPACE has taken place today at CTAG. With the title e-SPACE Nueva generación de interiores de vehículos ante los futuros retos de la automoción, its objective is to develop and investigate new solutions and electronic functionalities for the interior of the car of the future, electric, autonomous and connected, and the new forms of mobility.
The event was attended by Francisco Conde, Conselleiro de Economía, Empleo e Industria, Patricia Argerey, Director of GAIN, Javier Villacampa, Corporate Innovation Director of Grupo Antolin and Luis Moreno, General Director of CTAG.
For Grupo Antolin and CTAG this is an opportunity to establish a joint knowledge centre. As a result of the collaboration between both organisations, the first prototype of the Over Head Premium Console, which integrates advanced functions, such as matrix lighting, loudspeaker, microphone or e-call, has been shown today.