Collaboration to achieve innovation in seat function with high impact in galicia
The Joint Unit programme is part of the Innova en Galicia programme of the Strategy for Smart Specialisation (RIS3), supporting knowledge transfer to the business sector to increase its competitiveness.
In a market where changes are faster and more groundbreaking every day, it is essential to carry out a division of tasks and create specialized groups to be able to maintain a constant process of renewal and collaborative learning. This is where the complementarity between the two entities is evident: VIZA as specialist in frame development and interlocking systems and CTAG as specialist in validation (virtual and physical), in advice on manufacturing processes optimisation, both from the ergonomics and efficiency points of view, and in accompaniment in the implementation of R&D&I projects from the earliest stages.
The main objective of the VIZA-CTAG Joint Unit is to achieve a NEW GENERATION OF UNIVERSAL FRAMES and INTERLOCKING SYSTEMS, by DESIGNING NEW HIGH PERFORMANCE CONCEPTS (weight, ergonomics, resistance and modularity), made with ADVANCED MATERIALS and based on new FLEXIBLE AND EFFICIENT TECHNOLOGIES of manufacture adapted to the particular needs and requirements demanded, quickly and affordably. To this end it has received support from the Axencia Galega de Innovación (Galician Innovation Agency) and from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) within the framework of the Estrategia Española de Innovación en Galicia (Spanish strategy of innovation in Galicia).
VIZA and CTAG will develop an ongoing collaboration that will last for more than three years resulting in a perfect combination, where VIZA’s understanding of current market needs and experience in product design coexist with CTAG’s high added value technological capabilities in the fields of virtual calculation, testing and technological accompaniment, among others
Also, the conjunction VIZA-CTAG will encourage the promotion of opportunities for participation in the research lines within the framework of the H2020 programme.
In these first months of the Joint Unit, technology analysis and requirements definition activities have been carried out, studying the technologies to establish the bases and adequate knowledge for the proper development of the tasks of the Joint Unit. New concepts of flexible backrest and interlocking system have started to be shaped, and the first practical projections have been virtually validated. All these activities have been addressed in reference to the 4 R&D&I lines of the VIZA-CTAG Joint Unit: design of new universal concepts, study of lightweight structural materials, implementation of flexible processes and new test methods in compliance with the EU standards.