Within the framework of the 5GMOBIX European Project, the General Assembly takes place today at CTAG between the Spanish and Portuguese partners, which is one of the main pilots of the 5GMOBIX project. The objective is to prepare the different milestones of the project, and to define the joint strategy for the deployment of 5G technology which will take place in the coming months.
The purpose of the 5GMOBIX project is to specify, deploy and evaluate 5G services that will support Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility (CCAM), defining in this way different use cases of Connected and Autonomous Driving that will use 5G technology as the communication base channel to improve the safety and comfort of the services deployed in the vehicles.
The corridor between Vigo and Oporto is the most important cross-border corridor where the tests defined within the scope of the project will be carried out. With the collaboration of the different partners it will be possible to carry out all the necessary deployment in the different parts that are covered: infrastructure, communications, telephony, vehicles, users, etc.
Thus, this corridor includes partners that cover the complete value chain, including public institutions, research centres, telecom companies and car manufacturers.
DGT, IMT, Telefónica, NOS, Nokia Bell Labs, Nokia Portugal, Vigo City Council, CTAG, Dekra, ALSA, AEVAC, University of Murcia, CCG, Infraestruturas de Portugal, Norte Litoral, Siemens, IT, TIS and A-To-B, form this Spanish-Portuguese consortium with the aim of strengthening the development of 5G technology and Autonomous Driving, which will become reality in the coming years.
The first tests of the 5GMOBIX project will begin at the end of 2019, starting with tests in the laboratory and test tracks, arriving on the road throughout 2020. The tests will be extended until 2021 when the project will end.
For more information about the initiative please visit https://www.5g-mobix.com/ ; https://www.5g-mobix.com/x-border-trials/spain-portugal