CTAG’s team serves as a bridge between industrial OEMs and exoskeleton manufacturers with the aim of improving the next generation of devices. It covers different areas, from analysis, validation and verification, to implementation at client sites and product improvement.
In addition, it contributes to the development of benchmarking and standardization. CTAG is part of the ASTM Committee F48 on Exoskeletons and Exosuits, a voluntary standard development initiative for devices such as exoskeletons and exosuits.
F48 has defined a series of technical subcommittees to develop standards in the areas of safety, quality, performance, ergonomics and terminology for systems and components.
CTAG will be involved in the following specific areas:
- WK62649 Collaboration New Standard | Labeling and Information for Exoskeletons and Exosuits
- WK60882 Collaboration New Standard | Exoskeletons and Exosuits
The F48 standards will be published in the ASTM Annual Book of Standards, Volume 15.08.
For more information about this project please visit https://www.astm.org/COMMITTEE/F48.htm