Photograph of the Xunta de Galicia press release
The event, organized by SyC –Applus+, concessionaire of the service in Galicia, served to share the results of the nearly one and a half million inspections that were carried out in Galicia last year.In addition, the event served to present some of the technological solutions on which CTAG is working, such as exoskeletons and wearables.
This presentation was attended by the General Director of Enerxía e Minas of the Xunta de Galicia, Ángel Bernardo Tahoces; the Territorial Delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Pontevedra, José Manuel Cores; the Vice President of Human Resources of Applus+, José Delfín Pérez; CTAG’s General Director, Luis Moreno; and the Deputy General Director of SyC-Applus, Alberto Zalvide.