Air pollution is a global challenge and a major concern in major cities around the world. While networks of fixed measurement stations have been a quite accurate solution during the past years, the low spatial resolution of the collected data does not allow the assessment of the spatial variability of pollutants in detail and other drawbacks include their large size, high price and laborious maintenance.
Although the deployment of low-cost sensors and IoT technologies have experienced great growth in recent years, the sticking point remains on how to get valuable air samples ensuring traffic-based pollution indicators to improve the Air Quality Monitoring Systems (AQMS) of cities.
The APMU is the solution provided by the CAROLINA project to equip vehicles as part of an AQMS. Designed by CTAG, in collaboration with the Centre Tecnològic de Transferència de Calor (CTTC) of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), the APMU will contribute to improving the quality of the AQMS and therefore increase the competitiveness of companies that incorporate this kind of system into their product portfolio, having a direct impact on society.
Technical details can be found in the >brochure. For enquiries and further information, please contact us at
This APMU is part of the “Real-time pollution City mAp thRough cOLlaborative sensing aNd Analysis (CAROLINA)” activity that has received funding from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). This body of the European Union receives support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme.