CTAG visits Tel Aviv again, one of the most powerful innovation centers in the world, with the aim of identifying new opportunities for the Galician automotive industry around the mobility of the future and Industry 4.0.
The visit has highlighted the interest in activities focused on autonomous driving, driving assistance and improving productivity in industrial plants, allowing to see first-hand how the start-up methodology is applied in these fields.
In addition, it has allowed to search for new technologies and products and to get in contact with companies set up in Israel in order to establish possible collaborations, for which common areas of interest, such as product and process design or electronic integration have been identified. The objective is to lay the foundations for possible collaborations in CTAG’s activities and to study, together with possible partners, the execution of European projects.
This trip is also useful to consolidate the commercial and institutional relations in Israel, since the visit gives continuity to previous expeditions in which CTAG participated together with Galician organisations and companies from different sectors.
Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020