Representatives of CTAG visit these days Eindhoven, Netherlands, to participate in this congress, one of the most important events on smart mobility in the world.
This edition has an international programme with top speakers from the sector, demonstrations of the latest technologies and developments for transport and an exhibition area with innovative companies. CTAG will be represented by Francisco Sánchez, Electronics & ITS Director, with a presentation entitled SISCOGA extended pilot at C-Roads Spain: testing European C-ITS services; and Diego Bernárdez, Head of the Connectivity Department with the presentation Concorda Spanish Pilot Site.
The connected vehicle and the autonomous vehicle are two of CTAG’s strategic R & D areas, so the presence in this type of event is a good opportunity to follow the trends, innovations and opportunities that arise in the sector.
Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020