The last General Assembly of the European Project DESERVE (DEvelopment platform for Safe and Efficient dRIVE) was held at CTAG at the end of September with representatives from 14 of the 25 partners involved. Topics like the last work packages to fulfil, dissemination activities and the preparation, organization and agenda of the Final Event were discussed.
In addition, DESERVE partners are preparing the publication of a DESERVE book with the title “Towards a common software/hardware methodology for future advanced driver assistance systems- The DESERVE approach”, including lessons learned and results extracted from the project as a great dissemination action.
After almost four years’ work, the European Project DESERVE approaches its end with a delay of 6 months over the initial timeline. The project will end in February 2016.
CTAG is involved in this project since its beginning in 2012. The project aims at the design and implementation of an ARTEMIS Tool Platform based on the standardisation of the interfaces, software reuse, development of common non-competitive software modules, and easy and safety-compliant integration of standardised hardware or software from different suppliers.
DESERVE Platform should be capable of running different driving assistance system functions, flexible enough to run more than one function and scalable in order to reduce costs as much as possible and to tailor it depending on the final usage.
The project is divided in 8 subprojects. During this time, CTAG has collaborated in different work packages within 5 of these subprojects (in some of them the collaboration is still ongoing), and led the development in work package 4.3 in order to provide a vulnerable road user protection function vision based.
This project is being co-financed by the Junction Union through ARTEMIS and the Spanish Ministry of Industry, Energy and Tourism.