The main objective of the creation of this research joint unit, as reflected in its name “Novos produtos e tecnoloxías de automoción para a redución de emisións” (New automotive products and technologies for emission reduction)”, is to create a pole of excellence in Galicia for the research and development of new products and technologies that contribute to sustainability of vehicles. To this end it has received support from the Axencia Galega de Innovación (Galician Innovation Agency) and from the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) within the framework of the Estrategia Española de Innovación en Galicia (Spanish strategy of innovation in Galicia).
CTAG and Borgwarner offer the joint research unit their knowledge, experience and years of working together.
BorgWarner provides extensive experience in the manufacture of tubular components for the automotive industry and a track record of over 10 years of research and development in EGR coolers, which has placed it in a position of technological leadership in the manufacture of the products it offers to the market.
CTAG offers its know-how in testing and validation of engine components (EGR coolers, radiators, intercoolers…) and has the appropriate equipment for the specific needs of such components. It also has experience in virtual simulations and various technical capabilities in the field of electronic systems for automobiles.
During the launching of this Joint Unit in 2014, technology research activities, analysis of market trends and development of new concepts were carried out in order to establish a strategy for the development of cutting-edge technologies and products that enable the technology leadership of the Joint Unit in the sector. The design and manufacture of new testing equipment, specific for the new developments validation were also started, the first product designs were also worked on and virtual simulations were carried out for the optimisation of the proposed design, achieving a first prototype.
During this second year 2015, technology research activities will continue, and also the analysis of market trends, but especially the research team will focus on the development of new concepts to establish a strategy to develop cutting-edge technologies and products that enable the technology leadership of the Joint Unit in the sector. Furthermore, new testing equipment, specific for the validation of new developments, will be built and installed, product designs will be worked on and virtual simulations will be carried out for the optimisation of the proposed design with the objective of achieving and testing prototypes of various technologies.