- CTAG starts a new project named AEROCAR and based on the transfer of knowledge between the automotive and aeronautical industry.
- The project has the support of international entities with extensive innovation experience in both sectors: CTAG (Spain), Leartiker (Spain), RESCOLL (France) and INEGI (Portugal).
- Creating a constant synergy between these sectors will bring improvements in productivity, thanks to the creation of new technologies, materials or processes, or even by transferring them from one sector to another.
O Porriño, November 2nd 2016. The Automotive Technology Centre of Galicia (CTAG) starts its collaboration in a project called AEROCAR which aims to create a knowledge transfer network between the automotive and aeronautical sector. This project, co-funded by the INTERREG SUDOE Programme through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), will last for 3 years and has a total budget of 1.3 million euros.
AEROCAR aims to create a constant synergy between the aeronautical and automotive sectors that will improve productivity through the creation of new technologies, materials or processes, or through the transfer of all of them from one sector to another. Therefore, the technologies developed within the project will be those that the automotive industry would apply to the problems of the aeronautical sector and vice versa. This method will permit to reach the full potential of existing technologies and will make technology transfer easier. Hence, companies from both sectors will collaborate in the selection of the most viable products and prototypes so that they can effectively become applicable products to the current manufacturing processes.
As a result, CTAG, as an expert partner in automotive technology, will be responsible for analyzing and developing the automotive case study and assessing the transfer of knowledge towards companies from the aeronautical sector. On the other hand, CTAG will receive aeronautical technology from experts in the field, which will allow CTAG to develop a prototype demonstrator that will enable the transfer of experience towards the automotive industry within Galicia and adjacent regions.
The collaboration of companies and technology centers in Portugal, France and Spain will efficiently develop – yielding effective results – a wide range of skills, knowledge and resources that will be reflected in the use of new materials and process automation in both sectors. Consequently, the project will help boost the development of two strategic sectors in these territories, thanks to the high potential of innovation and job creation of added value that the automotive and aeronautical offer.
This project is aligned with the strategy implemented in 2014 by the Materials Innovation Area in CTAG, which aims to promote the exchange of experiences between these two sectors to deepen their knowledge in high performance materials and encourage new synergies and knowledge transfer opportunities. This strategy began with FORTAPE project, led by CTAG and funded by the European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Horizon 2020, and the collaboration of AIRBUS. Besides AEROCAR project, co-funded by the Interreg SUDOE Program through ERDF funds, CTAG will start at the beginning of next year a new project funded by Horizon 2020 and exclusively focused on the field of materials engineering for the aeronautical industry.
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