Representatives of CTAG visit Israel these days to deepen their knowledge of the Israeli innovation ecosystem, which has led this country to be known as the “Start-Up Nation”.
Several meetings are planned, including the one that will take place with Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), a global centre of reference for new technologies. CTAG will also visit the Smart City Transportation Lab, in which Mobileye (leading provider of software for advanced driver assistance systems) and MIT REAP (business acceleration programme linked to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) are represented, and will meet the Israeli agency for H2020 projects (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation).
CTAG travels to Israel accompanied by IGAPE, which supports this trip through the Galicia Exporta Organismos Intermedios aid. The Spanish Embassy in Israel will also collaborate hosting some of the meetings.
This visit is the continuation of another expedition promoted by the Xunta de Galicia in February 2018 in which CTAG took part together with different Galician organisations and companies from various sectors.
The objective of this mission is to establish new commercial and institutional relationships in one of the most powerful innovation centres in the world, which will allow us to identify new opportunities for the Galician automotive industry linked to the mobility of the future, autonomous driving and Industry 4.0.
Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020