CTAG will present its skills, capabilities and innovations in Stuttgart, at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2018 and at two other events.
Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2017 Show Review from UKi Media & Events on Vimeo.
CTAG will be present once again at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe. In addition, it will participate for the first time in the Autonomous Vehicle Technology World Expo and the Automotive Interiors Expo Europe. These three events will take place on June 5, 6 and 7 in Stuttgart (Germany) at the Messe Stuttgart exhibition center.
At the Automotive Testing Expo booth, CTAG will present its capabilities to validate equipment, systems and vehicle components in its different laboratories: climatic testing, acoustics and vibration, passive safety, fatigue and durability, engine, EMC, HiL, and driving simulator. CTAG’s test tracks equipped for ADAS/automated driving development and validation will also be presented.
This is the 20th anniversary of this event, which has become an international reference for validation in the automotive sector and where you will be able to see the very latest technologies and services that have been designed to ensure that the highest standards are met in terms of quality, reliability, durability and safety.
The Autonomous Vehicle Technology World Expo is dedicated exclusively to services and technologies for autonomous vehicles, from software, sensors and communication systems to tires and wheels.
CTAG will present its skills and capabilities for development and validation of ADAS/AD systems, areas in which it has positioned itself as a benchmark. In addition, it will attend the Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium Europe, which will bring together more than 150 international experts to present the latest innovations in autonomous vehicles.
Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo from UKi Media & Events on Vimeo.
The Automotive Interiors Expo Europe is dedicated to materials, technologies, prototypes and innovations for the interiors of all types of vehicles. At this event, CTAG will present its innovations in composite materials and one of its latest R&D+I projects, VALORNATURE.
We invite you to visit our booths:
Automotive Testing Expo Europe:
Hall 10, booth 552
Autonomous Vehicle Technology World Expo:
Hall C2, booth AV7010
Automotive Interiors Expo:
Hall 7, booth A7165
Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020