Electronics laboratory
We have electrical, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) and Hardware in the Loop (HiL) test laboratories, where we carry out the following services:
- Validation plan definition
- Development of validation tools
- Test preparation and execution
- Test automation
- Data analysis and reporting
Electromagnetic compatibility laboratory (EMC)
This laboratory has two EMC CISPR 25 chambers for automotive components, with a range of 10 kHz - 18 GHz. The internal dimensions of the SAC-1 are 5.5 x 4.6 x 3.02 m allowing standard measurements at 1 m. The internal dimensions of the SAC-3 camera are 6.16 x 5.26 x 3.02 m and allow measurements to 3 m for special automotive components (EV batteries, powertrain, etc.).
Both chambers are equipped with Rohde&Schwarz ESU7 EMI receiver and RF amplifiers for immunity tests up to 200 V/m (radiated electric field) or 300mA (injected current).
The laboratory is able to perform EMC tests according to the standards of the main manufacturers (VW TL 81000, BMW GS 95002-2, MBN 10284-2, Stellantis B21 7110...).
Electromagnetic immunity services:
- Conducted immunity
- Transient disturbances
- BCI (Bulk Current Injection)
- Radiated immunity to electric and magnetic fields
- Radiated immunity to disturbances produced by portable devices
Electromagnetic emission services:
- Conducted emission
- Transient conducted emission
- Conducted RF emission
- Radiated immunity to electric and magnetic fields
Electrical testing laboratory
This laboratory has equipment for electrical testing of both 12 / 24 / 48 V electronic components and specific electric vehicle testing (400 - 900 V).
For 12/24/48 V components, the laboratory is able to test according to the standards of the main OEMs (LV124, VW80000, PSA B21, Renault Nissan RNDS-C-00517, BMW GS...) and international standards (ISO 16750-2, ISO 7637). It is equipped with battery simulators for DUT up to 100A.
For electric vehicle components, the laboratory is capable of testing to major OEM standards (LV 123 Consortium and individual OEMs; BMW: GS 95023, Mercedes: MBN LV 123, Volkswagen: VW 80303/80300 and international ISO 21498).
- Load disconnection
- Cranking (Simulation of voltage variations at start-up)
- Overvoltage
- Undervoltage
- Superimposed AC voltage
- Short-circuit protection
- Discontinuities in supply voltage
- Reverse voltage
- Insulation resistance
- HV operation
- HV Voltage Dynamics
- HV Ripple Emission and Immunity
- HV Load Disconnection
Software verification process
Software testing:
We perform software testing by executing unit verification tests, integration tests and qualification tests according to ASPICE, ISO 26262, ISO 29119 and ISO 25119. Including the following activities:
- Requirements analysis
- Test plan preparation
- Test specification and design
- Implementation and execution
- Continuous integration
- Results consolidation and reporting
We use the following tools according to the needs and requirements of the project: Tessy, VectorCast, Vector CANoe, Vector CANAnalyzer and RobotFramework.
Validation process of connectivity systems
Testing connectivity:
We perform system-level tests by executing integration and qualification tests on connectivity equipment such as TCUs or multimedia systems according to ASPICE and ISO 26262.
We are familiar with the validation of the following services: eCall, FOTA, WIFI, diagnostics, cellular connectivity, geolocation, among others, performing tests on both commercial and simulated networks.
We use the following tools according to the needs and requirements of the project: Vector CANoe, Vector CANAnalyzer, Wireshark, RobotFramework, R&S CMW500, R&S SMBV100B and OECON.
MiL and SiL tests
Our competences cover the creation of scenarios (Road, Urban, Rural, Parking, V2X), model calibration, execution and reporting, development of SiL and MiL testbeds for ADAS algorithms and functions and test automation.
We have the following tools and facilities: CarMaker, SCANeR, Matlab & Simulink, ADTF, Vector Tools (Canoe, Canalyzer) and PIKETEC (TPT).
HiL tests
CTAG is qualified for the development of HiL test benches, test automation and execution as well as test execution, reporting and environment simulation for scenarios (Road, Urban, Rural, Parking, V2X).
We use the following tools: National Instruments Suite (HW/SW), Vector Tools (Canoe, Canalyzer...), Matlab & Simulink, ADTF, SEA, PIKETEC (TPT).