CTAG present at the European Robotics Forum (ERF2019)
Representatives of CTAG visit Bucharest these days to participate in the European Robotics Forum. This is the most influential meeting of the robotic community in Europe, which brings together researchers, engineers, entrepreneurs and other professionals in the sector to discuss current issues in European robotics. Specialists from more than 40 countries attend this year’s edition, with a special focus on innovation strategies and on the future impact of robotics in the world.
The industrial exoskeleton is one of the research areas in the Factory of the Future and Industry 4.0 at CTAG, where tests with diverse prototypes are carried out with the objective of improving the conditions of the worker in industrial plants.
The process can be divided into four phases: solution identification, laboratory validation, pilot testing and in-line testing. CTAG has implemented this test process in assembly plants for four exoskeletons, with different applications for the back, shoulder and hand. One of these projects has recently been awarded, together with Groupe PSA, recognising the work of both organisations in the development and implementation of a methodology that allows the validation of exoskeletons as support systems for industrial production line workers.
The event is held on March 20, 21 and 22 in Bucharest (Romania).
For more information about ERF2019 please visit https://www.eu-robotics.net/robotics_forum/
Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo de Desenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020