After four years of R&D&I work, the insAI Joint Research Unit between Grupo Antolin and CTAG has been successfully concluded.
The project has involved a team of 25 researchers, who have responded to the need to advance in the development of intelligent and innovative solutions for vehicle interiors, applied in the fields of safety and automated driving, comfort and health.
“I would like to highlight the trust that they have placed in us to accompany them in something as complex as the incorporation of intelligence inside the vehicle, in their product portfolio, and that has been the main objective of this Joint Unit that is coming to an end”, said Luis Moreno, General Director of CTAG, about the collaboration with Grupo Antolin during this project.
The technological progress developed after insAI has made it possible to achieve the following objectives:
– An ozonation system, an intelligent, efficient and safe device that is integrated into the car cabin with the capacity to sanitise surfaces and eliminate odours.
– An air purification system that efficiently eliminates viruses, bacteria, particles and volatile organic compounds.
– An intelligent thermal comfort system through radiant surfaces.
– An advanced control system for the opacity and transparency of the sun visor, which controls two sun visors made of different materials that can be darkened in sections.
– An electronic system for the functional lighting of the cabin, which supports the user, either to facilitate the search for elements within the user’s field of vision or to support driving assistance systems. It also covers the different ambient lighting scenarios that guarantee comfort.
The insAI Joint Research Unit has been financed by the Axencia Galega de Innovación through the call for “Subvencións para a creación e posta en marcha de Unidades Mixtas de Investigación” (DOG No. 35, February 20, 2020) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) within the framework of the Galicia ERDF 2014-2020 Operational Programme (file code IN853A-2020/03), with the support of the Vicepresidencia Primeira e Consellería de Economía, Industria e Innovación of the Xunta de Galicia.
Read here the Press Release.