Autonomous, smart and connected mobility

CTAG positions itself at the forefront of innovation and brings new technologies closer to industrial companies

R&D projects

Since its creation, CTAG is at the origin or is an active member of different local, national and european projects in collaboration with constructors and suppliers.

CTAG remains at the forefront of innovation and brings new technologies closer to industrial companies.

  • Synergies

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility

    The project “Real and synthetic scenarios generated for the development, training, virtual testing and validation of CCAM systems” seeks to significantly advance in the development and validation of Connected and Automated Driving systems (CCAM).


    CTAG - Imagen representativa
  • Red INTEGRA: Strategic Cooperation for Research on technologies for autonomous and connected mobility for high safety in complex environments

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility

    File 00140188 /CER-20211031.

    The red INTEGRA is funded by the Ministry of Science and Innovation and the CDTI, through the Cervera Technology Centres programme, and grants CTAG the accreditation of “Cervera Centre of Excellence”.

    CTAG - Imagen representativa

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    Objective: To make automated driving robust and reliable by testing intelligent vehicle technologies in previously untested scenarios and conditions.

    CTAG - Imagen representativa
  • InSAI – Technologies for the intelligent monitoring of vehicle interiors

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    Objective: InSAI researches on smart and innovative solutions for monitoring vehicle occupants in order to contribute to ensure safety and improve user experience and comfort.

    Consortium: Antolin Group and CTAG

    CTAG - Imagen representativa
  • CELESTE – dynamic speed limits compliance for optimised traffic management

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    Objective: The CELESTE project seeks to answer open questions about automatic speed reduction and enforcement in our cities.

    Consortium: coordinated by CTAG, it includes 16 entities: private companies, municipalities with their urban development agencies, research centres, universities and an international association.


    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    The C-Roads Platform is a collaborative initiative of European Member States and road operators to test and implement C-ITS services for cross-border harmonisation and interoperability.


    CTAG - Imagen representativa
  • i4Driving – Integrated 4D driver modelling under uncertainty

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    Objective: i4Driving seeks to establish the basis for a new industry-standard methodology to set a credible and realistic baseline of road safety for the virtual assessment of CCAM systems.

    Consortium: PANTEIA (Coordinator, NL), Universita Degli Studi Di Napoli (IT), Aimsun (ES), TU Delft (NL), VTI (SE), CTAG (ES), ZF (DE), RDW (NL), TUM (DE), Technische Hochschuele (DE), CNR (IT), DENSO (DE) + 5 associated Partners.

    CTAG - Imagen representativa
  • AUTOPILOT – AUTOmated driving Progressed by Internet Of Things

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    It is one of the Large-Scale Pilots (LSPs) launched by the European Commission, namely Pilot 5 “Autonomous Vehicle in a Connected Environment”, with the objective of developing an open IoT platform and architecture for vehicles.

    The consortium, coordinated by ERTICO, includes organisations from 15 different European countries and 4 key sectors. In total there are more than 45 beneficiaries whose descriptions can be consulted on the website.


  • CRUSOE – CybeRsecUrity riSk assessment and mitigation for cOnnected and automated vEhicles

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    Objective: to integrate cybersecurity requirements into the development of technologies associated with Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Mobility (CCAM).


  • INFINITECH – Tailored IoT & BigData Sandboxes and Testbeds for Smart, Autonomous and Personalized Services in the European Finance and Insurance Services Ecosystem

    Autonomous, smart and connected mobility


    INFINITECH brings together leaders in ICT and finance with the aim of reducing barriers to BigData / IoT / AI driven innovation, for regulatory compliance and to stimulate additional investments.

    Coordinated by GFT Italy, it has a consortium of 40 partners.
