Since its creation, CTAG is at the origin or is an active member of different local, national and european projects in collaboration with constructors and suppliers.
CTAG remains at the forefront of innovation and brings new technologies closer to industrial companies.
Factory of the Future
Open Pilot Labs Network is an open network of industrial laboratories for the digital and sustainable transformation of companies in the Galicia – Norte de Portugal Euroregion.
Consortium: Agencia gallega de innovación, FEUP, Uvigo, Knowledge Organization Group, CCG ZGDV, Universidade do porto.
The main objective of RISpire’s Knowledge Boosting Training is to fence the disruptive transformation of the sector by offering capacity building activities to trainers and innovators in three key regions of Europe.
Consortium: ICEBERG+, PowerHUB and CTAG
Clean Mobility
The project entitled “Evolutionary Solutions for Realising a Holistic Safe System Approach for All Road Users” focuses on the development of evolutionary solutions for implementing a holistic safe system approach for all road users.
BEAGLE (Blue oceans strategy for value creation), is a project that seeks to strengthen the links between academia and industry for the valorisation of knowledge and the creation of new market niches, applying the blue ocean strategy.
Consortium: Universidad Rovira i Virgili (ES-Coordinador), University of West Bohemia (CZ), University West (SE), CTAG (ES), Cleantech Bulgaria Foundation (BU), NextMove (FR), F6S (IE), Association of Chemical Industry of the Czech Republic (CZ) and UNIMOS Alliance (PL).
Autonomous, smart and connected mobility
Objective: to integrate cybersecurity requirements into the development of technologies associated with Connected, Cooperative and Autonomous Mobility (CCAM).
Objectives: To improve women’s career prospects, to improve gender balance in decision-making bodies of research organisations and to include the gender dimension in relevant research content.
Consortium: CTAG – Galician Automotive Technology Centre, Jagiellonian University, Munster University of Technology, Tralee, Italian National Research Council (CNR), University of Belgrade – School of Electrical Engineering, University of Gdansk, Research Centre for Women’s and Gender Studies of the University of Turin (CIRSDe), Italy (coordinator), Elsevier, Knowledge & Innovation (K&I), Italian National Research Council (CNR), Uppsala University.
Objective: Structural optimization of a hybrid system for energy absorption in head-on collisions with computational and experimental verification.
File: 10DPI025CT.
Programme: Incite10.
Objective: Research on flexible photovoltaic modules by means of roll-to-roll printing techniques for their application to the automobile sector
File: PID-600200-2009-23.
Programme: Profit09.
Autonomous, smart and connected mobility
ES – Compass4D: Cooperative Mobility Pilot on Safety and Sustainability Services for Deployment.
File: nº 325179.
Programme: Competitiveness and Innovation Programme