CTAG participates in the ITS World Congress 2018

Representantes de CTAG participando en el ITS World Congress 2018.

Representatives of CTAG have participated in the 25th edition of the ITS World Congress, a worldwide reference event in the field of Intelligent Transport Systems. This congress, organised by Ertico, took place from 17 to 21 September in Copenhagen, where more than 2,000 professionals gathered to discuss the latest advances in intelligent, multimodal, integrated and sustainable transport.

The event had more than 150 technical and scientific sessions, as well as exhibitions, workshops and demonstrations of organisations from around the world. CTAG participated in two technical sessions. Diego Bernárdez, head of the Connectivity Department, gave a presentation on the activities of the CEF C-Roads Spain project, which aims to accelerate the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems in Spain. For his part, Diego Rodríguez, Coordinator of the R & D Project Management Area, presented the results of CTAG’s participation in the H2020 project <IMPACT> Connected Car with a paper entitled “Promoting value chain innovations in the emerging ‘Connected Car ‘industry: ICCar approach “.



Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo d eDesenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020

The largest national event of composite materials arrives for the first time to Galicia thanks to CTAG, University of Vigo and AEMAC

CTAG, the University of Vigo and AEMAC will organize the XIII National Congress of Composite Materials (MATCOMP 2019) in Galicia. The announcement was made yesterday in Madrid.

The Spanish Association of Composite Materials (AEMAC) and the Automotive Technology Center of Galicia (CTAG) announced yesterday in Madrid the organization of the XIII National Congress of Composite Materials (MATCOMP 2019) based in Galicia.

Taking advantage of the celebration yesterday of the 2nd AEMAC Workshop for collaboration Academia and companies in the Centre for Industrial Technological Development (CDTI) in Madrid, the responsible for the Materials​​ Innovation Area at CTAG, Raquel Ledo, and the president of AEMAC, Jacinto Tortosa, officially announced the selection of CTAG and the University of Vigo as hosts of MATCOMP 2019, which will be held for the first time in Vigo on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th of July 2019.

As Raquel Ledo, who moderated the transport table, advanced yesterday, MATCOMP 2019 will arrive in Galicia for the first time in its history to offer a high-level technological forum for the presentation and discussion of the latest research and innovative technologies in the field of composite and high-performance materials, and specifically “in this edition we want to reinforce the impact of composite materials in the Industry 4.0 and in the circular economy“.

MATCOMP 2019 will gather a large number of experts in the area of ​​advanced materials with great international relevance as well as invited lecturers from the most innovative companies in this field. In addition, this congress will be open to the participation of all those companies, researchers, entrepreneurs and professionals interested in sending their contributions, presenting their products or attending the congress. Thus, this event will provide a unique opportunity to strengthen the collaboration of universities and technology centres with companies from strategic sectors such as the automotive industry, the naval industry, aeronautics, renewable energy and the construction sector, among others.

In the forthcoming weeks the congress website will be published with further information.

coche - avión - barco - generador eólico - edificio - autobús - tranvía


MATCOMP is a biennial congress promoted by AEMAC that aims to promote and encourage research and use of composite materials at a national level. This congress constitutes the most important event for the scientific, academic and business community in the field of composite materials in Spain. In past editions, MATCOMP has managed to bring together about 200 speakers and experts and mobilize more than 300 professionals with a high level of innovation.

Materials Innovation at CTAG

CTAG is a Galician technology centre with international presence, composed by nearly 700 professionals and created in 2002 to offer innovative solutions for the automotive sector. One of its most important research lines are  the advanced materials, in which it has developed more than 50 projects, 25 of them within public research programs such as the European Horizon 2020 Program. This group of researchers, pioneers in Galicia in the approach of materials research results towards companies in the transport sector, was the first group of scientists from a private centre to lead a research project within the 7th European Research Program and is currently very involved in the transfer of knowledge based on material engineering between the automotive sector and aeronautics, two strategic sectors for Galicia.


Workshop on improving energy effciency in electric vehicles

Increasing the range of electric vehicles remains one of the biggest challenges in the automotive industry. On October 25th, JOSPEL will host a workshop where partners from three EU-funded projects – XERIC, OPTEMUS and JOSPEL – will present their latest innovations and technologies to improve energy efficiency in electric vehicles.

The workshop will take place at JOSPEL partner CTAG’s facilities in O Porriño, which is located in the Galicia region of Spain, and participation is FREE with online registration. The workshop will feature presentations from all three projects about the innovative technologies being applied to improve energy efficiency in electric vehicles, and it will also be possible to visit the JOSPEL demo lab.

Some of the key learning points of the workshop are:

  • Novel energy efficient EV climate system
  • Novel and innovative heating and cooling systems based on the use of Joule effect and Peltier cells respectively
  • Integrated thermal management system
  • Innovative battery pack with low energy consumption and thermal management elements
  • “Demo lab” with real users for validating the user feeling of heating and cooling.

Working together on energy management

Like JOSPEL, XERIC and OPTEMUS are EU-funded projects that have taken up the challenge of systematic energy management in electric vehicles based on the integration of energy efficient components and sub-systems, and the three projects are working together in sharing experiences and approaches to saving the challenge:

  • JOSPEL – Low energy passenger comfort systems based on the joule and peltier effects
  • XERIC – Innovative climate control system to extend the range of electric vehicles and improve comfort
  • OPTEMUS – Optimised energy management and use through a holistic, vehicle-occupant-centred approach

Who should attend?

The workshop will be particularly interesting to CEOs, Board Members, Department Heads, Project Managers, Engineers, and Scientists dealing with automotive interiors, automotive design, interior materials, R&D, thermal comfort, batteries, and electric vehicles, but it is open to anyone with an interest in innovative new technologies.

Practical information

The workshop will take on October 25th 2018 from 9.30 AM to 3.30 PM CET, and it will include lunch and the possibility of visiting the JOSPEL demo lab.

The address is: https://ctag.com/en/ctag/localizacion/

You can register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/jospel-workshop-innovative-research-to-improve-energy-efficiency-in-evs-tickets-42742956333

JOSPEL project has received funding from the European Union‘s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under Grant Agreement n° 653851

Elecnor Deimos estudia con CTAG su implantación en Galicia

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Imagen de la visita de Elecnor Deimos al CTAG. En el centro, Miguel Belló, CEO de Elecnor Deimos y Luis Moreno, Director General de CTAG, junto con directivos de ambas empresas.

El objetivo es el desarrollo de diferentes sistemas altamente innovadores que contribuyan a la seguridad en las operaciones con drones.

El Centro Tecnológico de Automoción de Galicia (CTAG) y la multinacional Elecnor Deimos mantienen conversaciones avanzadas para finalizar el plan de implantación en Galicia que estudia esta compañía especializada en el sector aeroespacial. La última reunión entre los responsables de Elecnor Deimos y CTAG se desarrolló ayer, 11 de septiembre, en la sede de CTAG en Porriño, con objeto de identificar áreas tecnológicas y proyectos de interés común, conforme a sus capacidades y experiencia. Esta reunión consolida la relación entre ambas entidades y el proyecto de Elecnor Deimos en esta Comunidad.

Ambas entidades trabajan conjuntamente en un amplio programa de I+D que han presentado a la Xunta de Galicia, dentro del marco de la UAV Civil Initiative, con objeto de facilitar la integración de los sistemas aéreos no tripulados (drones) en el espacio aéreo no segregado civil, proponiendo el desarrollo de diferentes sistemas altamente innovadores que contribuyan a la seguridad en las operaciones de los drones. El programa propuesto a la Xunta se ha denominado AINE y lo integra un consorcio liderado por Elecnor Deimos que, además de CTAG, incluye entre otros participantes como un proveedor de comunicaciones de primer nivel, entidades y empresas gallegas como AtlanTTic (Universidad de Vigo) y la empresa Scio.

La reunión en la sede de CTAG estuvo dirigida por Luis Moreno, Director General de CTAG, y Miguel Belló, CEO de Elecnor Deimos. Durante la reunión se profundizó en el conocimiento de las actividades de los laboratorios de electrónica, acústica y vibraciones, seguridad pasiva, materiales y automatización, entre otros, para después analizar e identificar las áreas de interés concreto en diferentes campos: sistemas embarcados y críticos, sistemas de localización GNSS y visión artificial, entre otros, con aplicaciones en los sectores de automoción y aeroespacial.

Sobre CTAG

CTAG es una entidad creada para ofrecer soluciones tecnológicas avanzadas al sector del automóvil, apoyando a las industrias del sector en su modernización y adaptación a las nuevas tecnologías en sus productos y procesos de fabricación y que tiene a su vez la vocación de aportar su experiencia, know-how y medios a otros sectores de actividad y proyectos de innovación en Galicia.

Sobre Elecnor Deimos

Elecnor Deimos es la empresa tecnológica del Grupo Elecnor, multinacional en el sector de las infraestructuras y energía con más de 13.000 empleados y presencia en 53 países. En Galicia, el Grupo Elecnor tiene una amplia presencia; en 1997 instaló el primer parque eólico comercial en Malpica, que ha sido recientemente inaugurado por el presidente de la Xunta, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, con una repotenciación de 70 a 7 aerogeneradores, proporcionando actualmente el doble de potencia, y en Faro Farelo se construyó el que fue en su día el complejo eólico más grande de Europa. Por su parte, Elecnor Deimos está especializada en el sector aeroespacial, donde ha fabricado y puesto en órbita 2 satélites de observación de la tierra y ha participado en más de un centenar de misiones espaciales con las primeras agencias del mundo. También dispone de amplia actividad en los sectores aeronáutico, marítimo y TIC. En el campo de los UAVs está desarrollando un avión no tripulado denominado D80 TITAN, de 80 kg de peso y autonomía de 10 horas con aplicaciones en diferentes sectores como la seguridad, vigilancia marítima, monitorización de infraestructuras, agricultura de precisión o gestión forestal, entre otros.

Sobre La Civil UAVs Initiative

La Civil UAVs Initiative es un programa lanzado por la Xunta de Galicia para la utilización de sistemas aéreos no tripulados (UAVs en las siglas en inglés) en el ámbito civil para la mejora de la prestación de servicios públicos. Esta iniciativa se enmarca dentro de una política de promoción y atracción de actividades de alto valor añadido hacia Galicia y tiene su epicentro en el aeródromo de Rozas en Lugo.

CTAG participates in the conference on Opportunities and challenges of 5G networks


The objective of this conference was to generate a forum for debate around the framework in which the 5G networks will be developed, the impact these networks will have on the Galician society, the challenges for its implementation and the potential of the Galician ICT hypersector to position itself in this emerging technology context.

Francisco Sánchez Pons, Director of Electronics and ITS at CTAG, made an exposition of the 5G specific initiatives of use that are developed in CTAG.

The conference took place at the convention hall of the CINC building of the Cidade da Cultura, in Santiago de Compostela and was organized by Amtega, (association of telecommunications engineers of Galicia).


CTAG visits Israel’s start-up ecosystem

Visita a la cápsula TAU de la Universidad de Tel Aviv

Representatives of CTAG visit Israel these days to deepen their knowledge of the Israeli innovation ecosystem, which has led this country to be known as the “Start-Up Nation”.

Several meetings are planned, including the one that will take place with Technion (Israel Institute of Technology), a global centre of reference for new technologies. CTAG will also visit the Smart City Transportation Lab, in which Mobileye (leading provider of software for advanced driver assistance systems) and MIT REAP (business acceleration programme linked to the Massachusetts Institute of Technology) are represented, and will meet the Israeli agency for H2020 projects (EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation).

CTAG travels to Israel accompanied by IGAPE, which supports this trip through the Galicia Exporta Organismos Intermedios aid. The Spanish Embassy in Israel will also collaborate hosting some of the meetings.

This visit is the continuation of another expedition promoted by the Xunta de Galicia in February 2018 in which CTAG took part together with different Galician organisations and companies from various sectors.

The objective of this mission is to establish new commercial and institutional relationships in one of the most powerful innovation centres in the world, which will allow us to identify new opportunities for the Galician automotive industry linked to the mobility of the future, autonomous driving and Industry 4.0.

Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo d eDesenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020

CTAG welcomes the presentation of the ITV report 2017

Presentación de exoesqueletos en las instalaciones de CTAG

Photograph of the Xunta de Galicia press release
The event, organized by SyC –Applus+, concessionaire of the service in Galicia, served to share the results of the nearly one and a half million inspections that were carried out in Galicia last year.

In addition, the event served to present some of the technological solutions on which CTAG is working, such as exoskeletons and wearables.

This presentation was attended by the General Director of Enerxía e Minas of the Xunta de Galicia, Ángel Bernardo Tahoces; the Territorial Delegate of the Xunta de Galicia in Pontevedra, José Manuel Cores; the Vice President of Human Resources of Applus+, José Delfín Pérez; CTAG’s General Director, Luis Moreno; and the Deputy General Director of SyC-Applus, Alberto Zalvide.


CTAG will participate in the Conference on Advanced Acoustic Technologies for Industrial Applications

The University of Vigo and atlanTTic organise this conference on acoustic engineering, which will be held on June 19 and 20 at the School of Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Vigo.

The Conference on Advanced Acoustic Technologies for Industrial Applications will present acoustic engineering as a tool for analysis and improvement in automotive, naval, aeronautical and energy industries. Renowned speakers at national and international level will participate in the Conference, including Damián González, Acoustics and vibration Manager at CTAG, who will present his experience in the evaluation of the vibro-acoustic quality of components for the automotive industry. His presentation will take place on Tuesday 19 at 1:00 p.m.

You can check the programme and more information at http://acintic.com/

CTAG will participate in one of the leading events of the European automotive sector

CTAG will present its skills, capabilities and innovations in Stuttgart, at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2018 and at two other events.

Automotive Testing Expo Europe 2017 Show Review from UKi Media & Events on Vimeo.

CTAG will be present once again at the Automotive Testing Expo Europe. In addition, it will participate for the first time in the Autonomous Vehicle Technology World Expo and the Automotive Interiors Expo Europe. These three events will take place on June 5, 6 and 7 in Stuttgart (Germany) at the Messe Stuttgart exhibition center.

At the Automotive Testing Expo booth, CTAG will present its capabilities to validate equipment, systems and vehicle components in its different laboratories: climatic testing, acoustics and vibration, passive safety, fatigue and durability, engine, EMC, HiL, and driving simulator. CTAG’s test tracks equipped for ADAS/automated driving development and validation will also be presented.

This is the 20th anniversary of this event, which has become an international reference for validation in the automotive sector and where you will be able to see the very latest technologies and services that have been designed to ensure that the highest standards are met in terms of quality, reliability, durability and safety.

The Autonomous Vehicle Technology World Expo is dedicated exclusively to services and technologies for autonomous vehicles, from software, sensors and communication systems to tires and wheels.

CTAG will present its skills and capabilities for development and validation of ADAS/AD systems, areas in which it has positioned itself as a benchmark. In addition, it will attend the Autonomous Vehicle Test & Development Symposium Europe, which will bring together more than 150 international experts to present the latest innovations in autonomous vehicles.

Autonomous Vehicle Technology Expo from UKi Media & Events on Vimeo.

The Automotive Interiors Expo Europe is dedicated to materials, technologies, prototypes and innovations for the interiors of all types of vehicles. At this event, CTAG will present its innovations in composite materials and one of its latest R&D+I projects, VALORNATURE.

We invite you to visit our booths:

Automotive Testing Expo Europe:

Hall 10, booth 552


Autonomous Vehicle Technology World Expo:

Hall C2, booth AV7010


Automotive Interiors Expo:

Hall 7, booth A7165




Proxecto cofinanciado polo Igape, Xunta de Galicia e o Fondo Europeo d eDesenvolvemento Rexional do programa operativo 2014-2020

CTAG presents its latest advances in autonomous driving and connectivity in Malaga

5G Forum, coche autónomo de CTAG
Coche autónomo y perosnal de CTAG junto a otros participantes en el 5G Forum

CTAG participated in the 5G FORUM, a multidisciplinary meeting on 5G technology. Diego Bernárdez, Head of the Connectivity Department at CTAG, presented a paper on Cooperative systems and V2X communications. Protocols in DSRC (ITS-G5) and 5G. One of CTAG’s connected vehicles was also shown to present attendees its operation and performance.

The event, held on April 24 and 25 at the Polo de Contenidos Digitales in Malaga, offered a broad view on the different applications of this technology, from artificial intelligence to health and telemedicine. This is the first edition of the event whose objective is to show on stage every year the advances of 5G technology and offer the opportunity to exchange knowledge about its practical applications.

Outstanding companies involved in the use of 5G technologies shared their experiences and performed demonstrations for the attending professionals.

For more information about the event please visit http://www.5gforum.es/